Category: Top News
Hits: 3885

Here I am, after all the years of being a reporter and columnist and editor, a bona fide publisher, of sorts.

Sure, I’m not publishing a newspaper in print, although don’t think the notion hasn’t crossed my mind. In fact, I have dreamed of being the editor of a small newspaper since I was in high school. I guess the opportunity just never presented itself and now, well, I’m writing for a weekly (The Sentinel) and posting stuff on my own news and information website (

I went to a meeting of the Greater Woodbury Chamber of Commerce the other day as an invited guest of a member. The folks there welcomed me warmly, although most didn’t really know I had a new website until I told them. They were just being nice because of the name recognition 30 years in the business in Gloucester County brings.

I hope to get some advertising from the exposure, and it was nice to meet some friendly folks I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting before.

But it dawned on me then and there that I am, I guess, a publisher. It may not be the little weekly I’d always thought of, but I’m hoping it has the same flavor. It’s certainly not all the news that fits, but it is local, and that’s always been important, I think. Besides, I’ve already managed to be first with some news. I’ve always liked when that happened.

This little electronic newspaper is growing nicely so far — at least, it has already exceeded my expectations.

If there are any suggestions you have about it, please feel free to send them along to me.

And for you print-only folks, The Sentinel has done a great job of  picking up the slack in that department, so you can still at least follow this column.

You can share your thoughts anytime by just emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..